
Braided Bread Roll Making – Step by step

Original price was: KSh 50.00.Current price is: KSh 20.00.

This short course was developed for the trainer in response to the demand from
various communities in Bread Making. This short course was developed to
enhance participants especially women and the youth through having better skills
and knowledge in making home made breads for own consumption or for income
generating purpose.



Making Braided Bread Roll
Module Purpose: The purpose of the module is to impart knowledge and skills to
participant in making quick lemon bread so they can be able to make
at home for own consumption or for sale.

Nominal duration: Approximately 7 hours.
Prerequisites: There are no pre-requisite to this module.

E1. Identify ingredients and equipment
E2. Prepare ingredients and ingredients
E3. Make the dough
E4. Bake braided bread roll

Suggested delivery method: This module should be delivered using these methods:

1. Explanation (what we will do) 5%
2. Demonstration (how we will do it) 15%
3. Implementation (now you do it) 70%
4. Evaluation (how good did we do it) 10%